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Happening in April

Sit down, relax, and enjoy your meal made by our Chef! Find something special for you from our kitchen this month!

Daging Masak Kecap | IDR 78,000++
Beef cooked with spices, soy sauce, tauco, and served with steamed rice, chips and chili sauce.

Ayam Kurma | IDR 70,000++
Chicken meat cooked with spices and coconut milk served with boiled eggs, vegetables and rice cake.

Ayam Madu | IDR 70,000++
Grilled chicken thighs in honey sauce served with fried potatoes and salad.

Coconut Peach | IDR 48,000++
A snack made from peaches cooked in cream and served with strawberry sauce and desiccated coconut.

Rosinante | IDR 60,000++
Date juice, lemon juice, lychee, fresh milk, simple syrup.

Flamingo | IDR 70,000++
Calamansi orange juice, lime juice, grenadine syrup, fermented milk, simple syrup.

For information and reservations, please contact:
WhatsApp: +62 811 7429 088

Happening in April
Swiss-Belhotel JambiHappening in April
Swiss-Belhotel JambiHappening in April
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi