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Swiss-Belhotel Jambi proudly offers you several concepts in contemporary dining in Jambi including Swiss-Café™ Restaurant, BnB Lounge, The View, and The Gravity Chambre Privée. Have a wonderful dining experience with delicate dishes and relaxing atmosphere!

For more information & reservation:
Telephone: +62 741 591 3388
WhatsApp: +62 811 7429 088 or click here to send us a message

Showing 1 to 9 out of 9 results found
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi

Claypot Seafood Package
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi

Bajamba Package
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi

Steamboat & BBQ Package
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi

Happening in July 2024
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi

The Gravity Chambre Privée
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi

The View
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi

BnB Lounge
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi

Swiss-Café™ Restaurant
Swiss-Belhotel Jambi

Showing 1 to 9 out of 9 results found