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Food & Beverage Promotions

Sit back, relax and enjoy your dishes made by our Chef. Find out what's special for you from our kitchen this month! Choices menu for you and your family!

Rawon Buntut - IDR 150,000 net/portion
Watermelon n Fusion - IDR 45,000 net/glass
Manggo Colada - 
IDR 45,000 net/glass

This promotion can only be booked through telephone or come directly to restaurant.

For further information and table reservation:
Telephone: +62 551 21133
WhatsApp: +62 811 597 1133 or click here to send message

Food & Beverage Promotions
Swiss-Belhotel TarakanFood & Beverage Promotions
Swiss-Belhotel TarakanFood & Beverage Promotions
Swiss-Belhotel Tarakan