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Swiss-Café Restaurant

Location: Ground Floor
Operating hours: 6.00 am – 11.00 pm

Step into Swiss-Café Restaurant and embark on a culinary journey that seamlessly blends the best of Western cuisine with tantalizing local delicacies. No worries, we are a halal-certified dining outlet. This unique dining establishment prides itself on offering a fusion of flavors that will delight both international visitors and local food enthusiasts. Swiss-Café Restaurant is renowned for its exceptional mastery of Western cuisine, presenting a menu brimming with classic dishes prepared to perfection. From juicy steaks cooked to your liking to creamy pasta dishes that melt in your mouth, every bite is a symphony of taste and texture. The chefs expertly combine traditional recipes with innovative techniques, creating a dining experience that is both comforting and exciting.

But Swiss-Café Restaurant ’s culinary prowess doesn’t stop there. The restaurant also celebrates the vibrant local flavors of Melaka, incorporating regional delicacies into its menu. Serving as early as breakfast at 6.00 am until as late as 11.00 pm. Swiss-Café Restaurant at Grand Swiss-Belhotel Melaka stands out as a culinary destination that embraces the best of both Western cuisine and local delicacies. With its commitment to culinary excellence, creative flavor combinations, and inviting ambiance, this restaurant guarantees an unforgettable dining experience for food lovers of all backgrounds.

Swiss-Café Restaurant
Grand Swiss-Belhotel Melaka <br>(formerly LaCrista Hotel)Swiss-Café Restaurant
Grand Swiss-Belhotel Melaka <br>(formerly LaCrista Hotel)Swiss-Café Restaurant
Grand Swiss-Belhotel Melaka <br>(formerly LaCrista Hotel)